new website design
I'm playing with a new design. Beta version is here. Feedback appreciated.
A group blog; a place to share photos, thoughts, stupid shit we find on the internet, whatever. Hopefully we'll get at least one post per day from someone, and not so many posts that it's too overwhelming. Have fun!
Lucas said the old site was too crowded and he couldn't find my resume. I think I like this new look a lot better. But I could use some feedback/confirmation.
Fuck. I'm stymied. I hear you about the huge blocks of text, but I don't know how else to convey all that information. I figure most people won't read it -- and I'm fine with that -- but I think it ought to be there for the people who want that sort of thing.
What is it about the new one that looks like not a lot of thought went into it? I was trying to make it look more Web 2.0, more negative space and everything.
I'm not going to do a playbill sort of thing. Too cutesy for my taste.
Yeah, nobody likes splash pages. I like how it looks, but I'm going to dump it. Okay, back to the drawing board...
I liked the old one better. And I like that there is the "latest news" part - maybe have a shorter intro to yourself at the top, then the news, the a link to a more full biography/timeline. I think the sudden impact article and the TV thing are a little out of place and maybe clogging up things a bit. Maybe a link at the top to a page that lists articles and reviews? then again, what the fuck do I know?
Fuck. Okay. Trying again.
Here's the thing. There are several things I want to hit people with right away:
-I've directed at The Magic
-I've got lots of good reviews
-I've taught at ACT and the Academy and UCR and Cal Shakes
-I had a play on TV. Plus, I think that interview clip is a perfect "get to know me" kind of thing for the front page (that's why it's so prominent on the old version).
The "Quick Links" is my attempt to get much of that info across visually instead of in a block of text.
I'm also planning on ditching the video/audio page, so the links at the top will be "Directing Resume", "Curriculum Vitae (Teaching Resume)" and "References. And clicking on "Josh Costello" in the title will bring you back to the home page, so I don't need the "Welcome". That will clean it up a bit.
Whoops, forgot to mention the new draft is at
sorry again:
here's the latest draft
Realizing that with the PDF icons in the Quick Links, the links in the top menu bar could just be "Directing", "Teaching", and "References". Even simpler.
trying yet again
This is destroying my life.
Thank you all for the feedback. Please do keep it coming if you can spare the time.
and an alternate version
Sadie likes this one best.
I like the "trying yet again" a lot, I don't like the alternate. sorry sadie
Weird. I feel like newbeta4, the one Sadie and Adam like, feels the most "thrown together" of them all. I now like the one labeled newbeta5 the best, but I no longer trust my own judgment. Both are slightly updated from the previous versions.
yet another version
just a variation on the one adam and sadie like
Thanks again for all your feedback, everybody. I'm now starting to come around to this one, which is the slightly updated version of the one Sadie and Adam said they liked. Simple and clean and clear.
Any more suggestions for this one specifically? Color scheme? Layout? Poe, do you still need borders on the sides, or does the adjusted margin fix that for you?
hmm, I'm pretty much over it, I think you should scrap the whole thing, go back to a paper resume, and pass out yer email address on cocktail napkins...
another new version of newbeta5
that's the one I like the most (I've been saying this all along). I like that you added "theatre director and teacher" under your name. I really like that design.
pretty sure I'm going with this
Bit of a compromise. I think it's the best of both worlds.
it's done
the new
Go there, come back, tell me it's brilliant for the love of god. I mean, tell me if there are broken links and whatnot, but don't tell me you think I should have gone with a different design or you liked the old one better. I'm fuckin done.
Why do I do this to myself?
the real question is why do you keep asking the peanut gallery for our opinions?
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