Corte Madera Chronicles

A group blog; a place to share photos, thoughts, stupid shit we find on the internet, whatever. Hopefully we'll get at least one post per day from someone, and not so many posts that it's too overwhelming. Have fun!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Fwd: FW: happy halloween!

Fwd: FW: happy halloween!
Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

this cat may be fatter than perrie

fatter cat


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

i am at this moment holding in my hands...


i can't believe the day has arrived. i have always said that when this book came out, i would take 3 days off of work to read it. as it stands today however, the only time i can take off work is the time it takes to post this. oh well.

it releases in the us on nov 8. you can buy it from though, and be an uberdork like me. an uber HAPPY dork.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

arnold's neighborhood

i can't tell if this could possibly be effective, or if it is just stupid...

schwartz sesame

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by wjackalope.
I couldn't agree more...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Well . . . there THAT is

For Star Wars geeks

Friday, October 21, 2005

this warms my heart


i cant wait to see that smirk wiped off his face...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by wjackalope.
"Note to Michelle Duggar: If God wanted you to have a massive pile of children, she'd have given your uterus a hydraulic pump and a revolving door. Stop it now."

Another brilliant Article from Mark Morford


Originally uploaded by wjackalope.
I don't like winter...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Big Mac

Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

Chris came down and choreographed the fights. We open November 11 and run thru December 18. I'm just sayin. More rehearsal photos on my site.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

campus bookstore

A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by Lorrimer.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

All Quiet on the Three Apple Front

I posted this on my blog, but I have no illusions that few read it. So here it is for all of you.
The short film pulls no punches. It opens with the Smurfs dancing, hand-in-hand, around a campfire and singing the Smurf song. Bluebirds flutter past and rabbits gambol around their familiar village of mushroom- shaped houses until, without warning, bombs begin to rain from the sky.

Tiny Smurfs scatter and run in vain from the whistling bombs, before being felled by blast waves and fiery explosions. The final scene shows a scorched and tattered Baby Smurf sobbing inconsolably, surrounded by prone Smurfs.

The final frame bears the message: "Don't let war affect the lives of children."


Thursday, October 06, 2005

mama nature at her finest

i love shit like this.
