Monday, January 30, 2006
I need podcasts
Podcasts make my insane commuting schedule just barely tolerable. I'm always looking for more podcasts. Sometimes I like intelligent podcasts that actually teach me something (like the BBC's In Our Time, which is a smart British dude who brings in three smart British professors to thoroughly analyze a topic usually having something to do with the Renaissance), other times I need something goofy (Mysterious Universe is pretty good for this). I also enjoy Diggnation and This Week In Tech, but sometimes the tech-oriented podcasts get boring. Al Franken is not as good now that he's hosting by himself.
What podcasts do you all listen to? What do you recommend? Hook me up.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Cottage Blog
Just for kicks I decided to give the cottage its own blog. It's part of the cottage's friendster profile. I think it could be a fun thing to have once the remodeling of the cottage begins, as a way for people to keep track of the progress.
check it out here:
Cottage Blog.
Hopefully Dad will take lots of pictures and they can go up there as well.
happy reading,
ps on a sad note it didn't rain sunday so seattle came up 6 days short of breaking the record of 33 straights days with rain. I think we're now at 29 of 30 - with no end in sight!
Friday, January 06, 2006
I am surprised by how much this offends me.
trailer for a movie about September 11th.
I don't know. This just seems wrong. Maybe it's that this country has totally failed to learn anything useful from what happened that day, and now Hollywood gets to weigh in and spew all the bullshit back at us in a neatly packaged and safely contained form that's way easier to deal with than actually thinking it through. It's too soon.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
bragging rights
With my new phone, I have unlimited broadband internet wherever I go, all day long -- for $15 a month on top of the regular cellphone service.
It also has built-in Wifi as a backup (or if there happens to be an even faster WiFi connection around). Regardless, I can surf the internet and go to any web site (not just those optimized for phones).
I can read and edit Word and Excel documents, using a slideout QWERTY keyboard. The phone also has a stylus and a mini-joystick.
It has a 1.3 megapixel camera that also shoots video with sound.
With my phone, from anywhere, I can access all of the iTunes music stored on my computer at home and listen to it. Holy shit.
In theory (though I don't have this set up because I don't, you know, watch TV), I could hook up my computer to my Tivo and access it at any time from anywhere through the phone and watch live TV or anything recorded through Tivo, on the fucking phone.
I'm pretty sure I'll be able to watch Giants games live on my phone from anywhere.
The future is now.
(For the record, it's a Sprint PPC 6700. I can't tell who the manufacturer is... maybe Dell.)