Corte Madera Chronicles

A group blog; a place to share photos, thoughts, stupid shit we find on the internet, whatever. Hopefully we'll get at least one post per day from someone, and not so many posts that it's too overwhelming. Have fun!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Political Compass

This poll places you on a chart, somewhere between "Authoritarian" and "Libertarian" on one axis, and Left and Right on the other. Unsurprisingly, I'm way way way down in the Left/Libertarian corner, and even more Libertarian than Leftist.


At 6:43 AM, Blogger Lucas Krech said...

According to that, I am no different than Ghandi except for being a touch more libertarian. I think my free market answers skewed the results as I feel truly believe free markets are a necessary step towards the transition into a post-capitalist economy. Smith will bring us Marx.

It is also disturbing to me that the questions force one to oppose two ideas. Why can't it allow you to find two proposition equally valid? I suppose for the same reason it assumes a linear two dimensional reality to be a true one.

Oh, well. It was a fun waste of time.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Lucas Krech said...

I remember the theory going something like, inflation=growth=employment, no inflation=no growth=unemployment. Of course that is one of those polarizing questions because the ideal situation would be moderate inflation with maximum employment.

My problem is that no economic system has been developed that truly solves unemployment and there is sufficient evidence to show that 'solving' unemployment is actually an impossibility. The trick, in my view is what do you do with the unemployed. We are wealthy enough as a country(and truly as a planet) to feed and house and clothe every human. We don't as a matter of choice. Ultimately an unwillingness to sacrifice.

Of course the lack of acceptance for 'balance' int eh questionaire points to a larger unwillingness towards balance in much of human thought. It is THIS or THAT rarely BOTH.

Blah, blah, blah . . .


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